
In the war of artisan versus automation, it is always the automation that is more efficient. Today's world of the digital revolution has made dental surgeon to go beyond the conventional boundaries to obtain results of perfect form and function. Digital smile design (DSD) plays a pivotal role in esthetic dentistry where problems of midline diastema, generalized spacing, discoloration, and stained teeth can easily be rectified. One can obtain postoperative results even before the patient is operated giving choice to both the patient and operator for correct diagnosis and treatment planning improving communication and predictability of the end result. This case report aims to highlight integrated planning for beautifying the smile of an esthetically conscious patient with a reverse smile line using DSD software which analyzed the facial harmony, dentogingival parameters, and teeth dimensions. The software allowed for correct diagnosis and patient's consent in treatment planning preoperatively and also severed as a guide for designing and fabricating all-ceramic restorations using Computer-aided design/Computer-aided milling.

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