
Rechargeable batteries are the most effective and efficient devices that store electricity from various intermediate and renewable sources such as solar and wind power. However, the fast-growing market of portable devices requires the use of hybrid materials which ensures safety, high energy density and higher saving for customers [1-3]. In this work, an energy storage device has been fabricated based on novel NiO-TiO2 film modified 3D Nickel Foam (NF) electrode. Simple sol-gel method was used to fabricate the electrode, where NiCl26H2O and TiO2 were used as precursors. 550 °C was used to calcine the NiO-TiO2 modified NF before it can be used as electrode material. During the fabrication process, Ni-Ti ratio has been varied to 1:1 and 1:2 and a comparative study has been developed on the basis of energy storing capacities. In this work, NiO-TiO2 modified Nickel Foam (NiO-TiO2/NF) was used as working electrode, pencil graphite electrode was also used as counter electrode and Ag/AgCl as reference electrode. To calculate the energy storage capabilities, NiO-TiO2/NF was dipped into NaOH and LiCl electrolytes. NiO-TiO2-NF (1:2) shows higher specific capacity in compare to NiO/NF, TiO2/NF and NiO-TiO2-NF (1:1) electrodes. In addition, with the scan rate increases, energy storing capacity of NiO-TiO2-NF found to be decreased. Thereby, a hybrid NiO-TiO2/NF can be used as future electrode material in the energy storage devices.AcknowledgementsUniversity of Grants Commission of Bangladesh (2021-22) for funding this research.Reference N. Padmanathan, et al., J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 4820-4830.J. Islam et al., PLoS ONE, 2021 16(3), e0248142.M. Jamal et al., Sci. Rep., 2019, 9, 4659.

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