
For the plating of Cu in many industrial applications, Ti metal is commonly used as the cathode for the reduction of Cu. Titanium metal is known to exhibit adequate corrosion resistance due to the formation of a thin passivation layer on the surface. Under an acidic and high temperature environment, the passivation layer on the surface of the titanium metal tends to react with acidic solution. In other words, Ti metal tends to be corroded in an acidic environment. The corrosion behavior of commercial pure titanium in acid copper sulfate baths was investigated in this study. Available surface treatments were applied to suppress the corrosion of titanium passive layer. The microstructure of titanium metal after immersion in acid copper sulfate solution was examined by using SEM and FIB. The pitted and corroded Ti was clearly observed using SEM. The corrosion mechanism of the titanium metal in the sulfuric acid solution was discussed. In addition, the electrochemical characteristics of commercial pure titanium metal in sulfuric acid solution were also analyzed using the three-pole potential measurement method.

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