
Data drives battery development. Despite the unprecedented volume of data being generated across both industry and research today, the battery data landscape remains a patchwork of heterogeneous sources with inconsistent metadata needed to correctly interpret its meaning. A new approach is needed to ensure that reported battery data is interoperable, reusable, and machine-readable. Furthermore, there is a growing need to share knowledge about batteries among groups from different backgrounds and organizations (e.g., experimentalists, modellers, engineers, technicians, etc.).The Battery Interface Ontology (BattINFO) is designed to meet these needs [1]. An ontology is a data model that represents domain knowledge as a map of concepts and the relations between them. This allows data to be mapped to common vocabulary terms, such that any two pieces of data mapped to the same term are also mapped to each other. Additionally, the network of concepts and relations allow expert knowledge to be expressed as graphs in a machine-readable form, which can then be queried to identify links between individual pieces of data and quickly share knowledge across organizations.BattINFO is a free, open-source domain ontology for electrochemistry and batteries that facilitates battery data interoperability and enables machine-readable semantic knowledge representation. A conceptual overview is shown in Figure 1. BattINFO was developed within the scope of the EU H2020 project BIG-MAP to facilitate data interoperability between more than 30 battery research institutes and companies in Europe. This contribution introduces BattINFO, demonstrates specific use cases for how it can be applied to accelerate battery data handling and development, and presents plans for future development and integration into the global battery data landscape.[1] S. Clark et al., “Toward a Unified Description of Battery Data,” Adv. Energy Mater., vol. 2102702, 2021. Figure 1

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