
The telephone technology digital data transfer at high speed by Mack (2011) is today a very popular concept at the behest of technology and especially the Internet and corresponding to the following concept in English: asymmetric digital subscriber line, which put in refers terms of our language: asymmetric digital subscriber line. Because ADSL is a technology that allows Internet connection precisely broadband, to be more specific. Basically ADSL stands Ferrer (2010) operates by analogue transmission supported on the symmetrical pair copper containing traditional telephone system of any subscriber, ie, thereby transmitting the digital data. It should be noted that this connection is valid when the 5.5 kilometers are not exceeded from the installation site regarding the telephone exchange or when not mediate other services that go through the same cable that could interfere with the passage of information. Taking as a methodological basis the case study application sought to understand the limitation imposed on a telephone channel, limiting the voice bandwidth by filtering to 3.1 KHz is appropriate to transmit a telephone conversation and allows multiplexing multiple communications on a single link, but represents an insurmountable constraint to transmit data at high speed.

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