
Digital phenotyping (DP) provides opportunities to study child and adolescent psychiatry from a novel perspective. DP combines objective data obtained from digital sensors with participant-generated "active data," in order to understand better an individual's behavior and environmental interactions. Although this new method has led to advances in adult psychiatry, its use in child psychiatry has been more limited. This review aims to demonstrate potential benefits of DP methodology and passive data collection by reviewing studies specifically in child and adolescent psychiatry. Twenty-six studies were identified that collected passive data from four different categories: accelerometer/actigraph data, physiological data, GPS data, and step count. Study topics ranged from the associations between manic symptomology and cardiac parameters to the role of daily emotions, sleep, and social interactions in treatment for pediatric anxiety. Reviewed studies highlighted the diverse ways in which objective data can augment naturalistic self-report methods in child and adolescent psychiatry to allow for more objective, ecologically valid, and temporally resolved conclusions. Though limitations exist-including a lack of participant adherence and device failure and misuse-DP technology may represent a new and effective method for understanding pediatric cognition, behavior, disease etiology, and treatment efficacy.

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