
Definitive quantitation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and mtDNA deletion mutation abundances would help clarify the role of mtDNA instability in aging. To more accurately quantify mtDNA, we applied the emerging technique of digital polymerase chain reaction to individual muscle fibers and muscle homogenates from aged rodents. Individual fiber mtDNA content correlated with fiber type and decreased with age. We adapted a digital polymerase chain reaction deletion assay that was accurate in mixing experiments to a mutation frequency of 0.03% and quantitated an age-induced increase in deletion frequency from rat muscle homogenates. Importantly, the deletion frequency measured in muscle homogenates strongly correlated with electron transport chain-deficient fiber abundance determined by histochemical analyses. These data clarify the temporal accumulation of mtDNA deletions that lead to electron chain-deficient fibers, a process culminating in muscle fiber loss.

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