
As the COVID-19 pandemic affected the entire world, companies had to develop new techniques and practices to adapt to digital transformation, there came a need for change, for a restructuring of organizational management policy with reference to marketing and communication processes and strategies, organizational procedures, as well as for an awareness of the new technologies that are the bridge towards the online environment. New innovative technologies are the enablers of efficiency and working time reduction, with a focus on automation and systematization. Our aim is to highlight the impact of digitalization on business marketing, the importance of the company’s position and mentality in relation to the current context, as well as the changes in consumer behaviour. The dynamics and fast pace of current trends changes in marketing increase the need to be open about the implementation and adoption of new communication technologies and tools. In this context, organizations must take into account the remodelling of marketing strategies that should be streamlined taking into account intra-organizational and strategic management challenges. Therefore the study aims to outline the implications of digital marketing on the post-pandemic management of companies, and comes up with suggestions related to the allocation of resources in terms of digitalization, that may have a positive impact on improving operational tasks, effectiveness and efficiency through automation.

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