
The research paper is about Digital marketing: disruption, expansion, and its impact on businesses. In this research paper I will discuss about the various types of digital marketing tools used by companies. I will take three tools of the digital marketing and how they help the companies to attract more audiences. I have focused on SEM (Search Engine Marketing), use of websites and use of keywords. As digital marketing has become a useful tool for the companies and help then to lower down their cost of marketing activities therefore correct use of the tools like SEM is necessary for the companies to target the potential audience similarly properly use of websites is necessary to give useful information to the audience and with good content help the companies to draw more traffic, further how keywords are an important tool to increase the ranking of the websites in the search engine result page (SERP). Further I have discussed about the current trends followed by companies during covid-19 pandemic and to know whether digital marketing is a helpful tool to generate revenues for companies during this crisis. For my research I have focused on both primary and secondary data to find out how these digital marketing tools helps the companies in their business.

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