
Understanding the weathering intensities can provide answers for environmental issues, soil, and geoscience studies. Recently, geophysical approaches and machine learning techniques have been applied in soil science to access weathering. This study aimed to model weathering intensity using combined data from geophysical sensors, satellite images, and morphometry associated to machine learning algorithms. We also we evaluated the efficiency of nested-leave one out cross-validation applicability in a small geodata set evaluated the importance of covariates and the resulting weathering intensity map in relation to pedogeomorphological processes. Our study focused on a 184-ha area in southwest Brazil, where we conducted soil analysis at 71 sites. We applied principal component analysis and determined the ideal number of clusters to determine the classes of weathering intensity. We used six geophysical sensor parameters, including equivalent uranium, equivalent thorium, potassium 40, magnetic susceptibility, and soil apparent electrical conductivity, along with the weathering index to create the clusters. Then, four machine learning algorithms were used to infer different weathering intensities in soils formed from the same parent materials. To validate our results, we used the nested-leave-one-out-cross-validation (“nested-LOOCV”) method, which is suitable for small datasets. Our findings showed that the random forest model performed the best with three clusters as the ideal number. We also found that the geophysical data, clusterization, and machine learning algorithm contributed significantly to identifying different weathering intensities. The results indicated that weathering operated at different intensities on both the diabase/Rhodic-Nitisols and the siltite/metasiltite Rhodic and Xanthic Lixisols areas, with the highest intensities occurring in the west Xanthic Lixisols and the lowest intensities occurring in the Rhodic and Lixisols in the east area. The siltite/metamorphosed siltite and Lixisols areas presented moderate weathering rates. We found that the all-geophysical variables used were related and affected by weathering intensity, which contributed to the modeling and clusterization processes.

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