
The phenomenon of using social media as online media is getting more massive this decade. Young people as a millennial generation are the biggest users in the use of social media today. Research on digital literacy is still rare, especially in Indonesia. Based on this phenomenon, this study aims to map students’ digital mathematical literacy through e-learning in the Covid-19 era. This research uses a quantitative approach with a case study method. Informants were used as research samples of 8 postgraduate students at Riau University. Student digital literacy ability data was collected through online questionnaires using Google Form, then analyzed descriptively using SPSS Program version 23.00 for Windows. The findings obtained in this study indicate the importance of digital literacy capabilities that have a positive impact on knowledge, understanding and skills in using media, especially social media, which is now often used as a source of information by the public, especially by students. Seeing the results of the study, researchers recommended the need for universities or leaders so that students can improve their digital literacy abilities.

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