
"Digital literacy involves the knowledge and skills of users in utilizing digital media, such as communication tools, internet networks, and so on. Digital numeracy emphasizes the ability to apply basic mathematical concepts and symbols to solve everyday problems in a digital context. The limited use of digital technology for accessing digital literacy and numeracy education resources is a concern for educators aiming to prepare high-quality students globally at the Ihyaul Islam Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Educational Institution. Researchers employ videos in the learning process to demonstrate that the use of video media in education can enhance students' learning interest and knowledge of digital literacy and numeracy. It is hoped that this program will help increase interest in digital literacy and numeracy learning for students. This research aims to provide an understanding of the importance of enhancing digital literacy and numeracy, especially in the development of engaging, innovative, efficient, and effective learning media suitable for children's early development, to educators and parents"

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