
This chapter discusses the current landscape of digital innovation in halal industry. It looks into the potentials and opportunities for halal stakeholders in adopting the technologies offered by the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). While halal certification is the most important aspect in halal industry, the lack of research, development and commercialization of innovation and technologies in these areas were highlighted. It discussed the current development of technology in halal logistics as well as how radio frequency identification device (RFID) can be implemented to manage container tracking and traceability from halal assurance point of view. An important aspect of halal integrity is compliance toward halal manual and standards for various types of halal certification schemes. This process forms the integral part of halal assurance management system and most importantly toward the halal audit process. The current halal auditing process is still behind in the adoption of technology that can highly improve the effectiveness and efficiency of halal auditors, internally and externally. A case study that explains the potential of digital innovation in solving the halal auditing process was presented. The evidence of successful commercialization and implementation of digital innovation for halal industry was also discussed.

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