
Abstract. To allow a more comprehensive, adaptable, and accessible Historic Structure Report (HSR), an approach to transform HSR to Digital HSR (DHSR) utilizing Building Information Modelling (BIM) will be evaluated in this paper. HSR is the type of historic documentation ruled by the National Park Service (NPS), a U.S. Department of the Interior bureau. It is directed to owners of historic buildings to help with decisions on the structure and provide an information resource for future uses. BIM’s ability to enhance the current HSR process by closing the disconnection between visual and information could suggest its potential utility in complementing or even substituting physical HSR. This research will be conducted in two approaches to support the proposal for a standard application of DHSR. The first approach is by analyzing the current guideline of HSR, which will include the evaluation of the NPS’s “Preservation Brief.” The second approach is to evaluate the BIM features, potential, and challenges for Digital HSR by analyzing the software as a user. The result of this study would be a proposed protocol of the DHSR, as an application guideline.

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