
This study investigates how a digital health care platform ecosystem and its essential core elements can be constructed considering specific characteristics of health care. A single case study of an ecosystem planned for patients with Parkinson's disease was conducted following a constructive research approach.The study reveals that the keystones for digital platform ecosystem design for health care purposes are as follows: 1) a focus on multi-sided mutual value propositions as a starting point for the design process; 2) understanding the technological core of the platform, including artefacts, interfaces and infrastructure; 3) understanding the actor layer, including actor resources, roles, positions and mutual interactions; and 4) understanding environmental influences in the form of data-related issues, prevailing institutions, practices and regulation. Several recommendations are offered to consider in designing the digital health care platform ecosystem. Managerially, this understanding could facilitate the development of new means of diagnostics, impactful and just-in-time care, functioning data collection and resource coordination in health care.

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