
The European Stroke Organisation published a European Stroke Action Plan (SAP-E) for the years 2018-2030. The SAP-E addresses the entire chain of care from primary prevention through to life after stroke. Within this document digital health tools are suggested for their potential to facilitate greater access to stroke care. In this review, we searched for digital health solutions for every domain of the SAP-E. Currently available digital health solutions for the cerebrovascular disease have been designed to support professionals and patients in healthcare settings at all stages. Telemedicine in acute settings has notably increased the access to tissue plasminogen activator and thrombectomy whereas in poststroke settings it has improved access to rehabilitation. Moreover, numerous applications aim to monitor vital signs and prescribed treatment adherence. SAP-E with its seven domains covers the whole continuum of stroke care, where digital health solutions have been considered to provide utility at a low cost. These technologies are progressively being used in all phases of stroke care, allowing them to overcome geographical and organizational barriers. The commercially available applications may also be used by patients and their careers in various context to facilitate accessibility to health improvement strategies.

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