
Gender-based violence is one of the problems that most afflict Mexican society, and the most affected are women; with globalization and increased access to technology for many people, it has crossed the boundaries of the physical environment to manifest itself in digital spaces. There is a lack of literature approaching this problem, justifying the relevance of this research. The general objective of this paper is to analyze the current context of gender-based digital violence from the experience of public servants who currently provide care to women victims of gender-based digital violence in Nuevo León, Mexico. To carry out this research, a qualitative design was used in which 15 interviews were conducted with people who currently work as public prosecutors in the state of Nuevo León. For the analysis of the information, we opted for a thematic analysis based on the proposal of Braun and Clarke (2006), and for the treatment of the data we used the qualitative software Maxqda. In general terms, it was detected that many of the cases are not reported and involve bureaucratic and administrative problems that limit and hinder attention and resolution.

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