
The article is devoted to the issues of implementation of digital form in sphere of Land and other Real estate. The author analyses literature of the issue, legislation and Ukrainian court practice. Draft of the Law that proposes non-paper dealing with documents related to registration of the land and real estate property rights is studied by the publication Dr. Polivodskyy points that digital contracts have risks related to the form that should be avoided: a party may deny the fact of committing contract. The reason may be grounded on defects of form of the contract. To minimize the risk, legal frame and technical implementation should support unity of will and acts of a person, avoiding mistakes and abuse. Legal protection of electronic signature, passwords and other identification means to be implemented to Ukrainian legislation to be implemented to avoid misuse of fraud in this sphere. Loss or abduction of such meant should not be considered as a fault of the person who lost the means. Criminal responsibility should be lunched for persona who attempts to seize such means. A person who owns the rights should be granted access to information at State register of property rights and State land cadaster. The author concludes that usage of usage of digital form is right of legal and natural persons that shall be supported by legislation. This right may be used in sphere of circulation of Lang and Real Estate in condition that rights and interests are protected. Such digital contracts should be supported by proper means of identification.

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