
In this work, the authors raise the issue of the need to use and improve digital forensics methods in the investigation of various types of computer crimes. The goals and features of digital forensics are considered, as well as special operational-search activities are identified that are related to the specifics technical equipment and are necessary when investigating computer crimes. Almost every science has developed its own understanding of information and studied its various forms and aspects. In the 20th century, a new type of information appeared - information circulating in computers, and subsequently, in other information technology devices. However despite the fact that more than 7 decades have passed since the appearance of the first computer (we believe that the first computer can be considered the British Colossus, launched in 1943), and from the theoretical justification of developments in the field of computers and computer information even more time (the theory was laid down by Charles Babbage in 1830), even a generally accepted term that reflects the essence of this information, as well as a universal approach to the interpretation of the category under consideration. The life of modern society is difficult to imagine without the use of computer equipment, smartphones, tablets, as well as provided such devices for accessing the virtual space of the Internet, social networks, online stores, services provided remotely. However, all the advantages and advantages of the era of widespread digitalization are accompanied by the emergence of criminal activity in this new environment of human existence. This, in turn, causes the need for active research into its specifics and use of the results obtained in law enforcement. Recently it has become quite firmly established and developed as a relatively independent, but organically closely related, based and inseparable from the science of criminology, a direction called digital forensics.

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