
Communication is a means to send and deliver information and understanding from one to another. Yet, one of the purposes of communication is to deliver a message of feeling and the material usually used in communication is either question or assertion. Besides, images or pictures are a kind of non verbal communication that could represent thousands of words; therefore, pictures, or in this case is best said to be drawing, could cover better messages than words. Further, drawing are expressions that deliver the message of feeling from one to another. Still, it is inevitable that to draw is not easy for some people, but nothing to worry about right now that as the era advancing, computer has come up to be the solution to draw easier. Hence, for drawing, many kinds of industrial standardized software for design are improved, and in fact, they are friendly used. In addition, to result the best drawing so that they could almost resemble the original image, computer technology with high resolution has been upgraded. As the result of the upgraded technology, many of the use of drawing to deliver message in our life, like posters put along the street even in our own bedroom. However, the discussion toward Digital Message in this particular paper is not about posters, but the messages delivered in the form of self-image made by designers in their drawing. Furthermore, the making of the drawing is using techniques of vector, filter, digital sketch, import, and other drawing digital techniques. This paper, in fact, is trying to describe about some theories and implementation of digital expression within pictures in some forms, such as 1) In the Front Cover of Book, 2) In ‘Drawing Our People in Our Lives’, 3) In ‘Say ! Happy Bhirthday’, 4) In submitting pictures for a design contest.. Not to mention, acknowledgement towards everyone who has contributed in the designing idea and opinion is included in this paper. General Terms Pictorial Message, Graphic Design, Communication, Technology, Computer Technology, Graphic Art

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