
The purpose of the article is to analyze the peculiarities of the formation of digital thanatology as one of the new areas of scientific research, to outline its subject field, to operationalize the basic concepts, to make some adjustments to the conceptual apparatus of traditional thanatology (“Death Studies”). The research methods are based on socio-communicative, systemic, historical and genetic approaches and the principles of digital humanities. The article also uses the methods of historiographical and source research, analysis of specialized publications on the research topic, descriptive approach, content analysis, etc. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that one of the first attempts to explicate the problem of “digital death and immortality” and to analyze the peculiarities of the formation of digital thanatology was made in the Ukrainian scientific discourse. Against the backdrop of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the author distinguishes the conceptualization of Ukraine’s cultural memory, the subject of which is the current state of the memorial landscape of Ukrainian culture as a complex, multilayered, heterogeneous entity, of which the digital memorial landscape is a significant structural element. Conclusions. In digital reality, technologies create social relations, ranging from gadgets to nanotechnology, affecting both the process of dying and the ideas of death and immortality in their two modes – real and digital. It is about constructing common semantic boundaries within which not only death and immortality, the study of which is fundamentally impossible but also mediated relations, that is, the process of building relationships in collaboration with various fields of scientific knowledge. That is why “digital death and immortality” as a subject of study is a fundamentally interdisciplinary problem, and digital death studies are emerging as a specific cross-disciplinary field of research into the phenomenon of death in the digital environment. The overview of previous research on digital death and immortality provides an appropriate context for scientific work. It allows us to identify and develop promising areas for further studies, which are especially relevant against the backdrop of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

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