
Abstract. Geoheritage is the collective noun for the spectacular phenomena of geological and geomorphological landmarks that have to be preserved but also exploited by tourism in sustainable ways. The demonstration and preservation of these landmarks – the geosites – are often done in a geopark, an open area where they can be visited, and interesting facts can be learned of them through information boards. To provide visitors with an overall information of the geopark we need to create a geotourist map. This genre combines the characteristics of traditional tourist maps and geoscientific maps. Its purpose is to help tourists to navigate on the field and provide them with simplified geological content. Our mapping area is the eastern part of the Bakony–Balaton UNESCO Global Geopark in Hungary. An increasing number of tourist use their electronic devices to navigate on the field. Because of the growing need for smart maps we have decided to create two digital editions of our paper map. An OpenLayers-based version is ideal for planning: webpage visitors can easily find hiking trails and roads to the geosites. We have also decided to create the first geopark-thematized Android app in Hungary. It contains major information about geopark events, concepts of geoheritage, visitable geosites and tour guides. The most important feature is the geotourist map that is similar to the web version. With the help of geotourist maps, we are able to provide relevant geospatial information to hikers and visitors in an aesthetic way. These maps also help to raise awareness among people for geological and geomorphological heritage.


  • Geoscientific research is mainly based on field work

  • According to the general definition, geotourism is a branch of tourism focusing on the touristic values of geological, geomorphological objects and landscapes (Newsome & Dowling, 2010)

  • We have to take into consideration infrastructural and other aspects of tourism among scientific values (Hungarian Geological Society, 2017)

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The role of geotourism

Geoscientific research is mainly based on field work. The data is turned into synthesis and the results are communicated to the scientific community. Due to the free data flow, research results are accessible for everyday non-scientific people nowadays. This generates interest on geoscience, unique natural phenomena and elements of our environment. According to the general definition, geotourism is a branch of tourism focusing on the touristic values of geological, geomorphological objects and landscapes (Newsome & Dowling, 2010). The geological and geomorphological values of our planet are represented by geosites. These are the most spectacular non-living phenomena of nature. Its elements can be considered as tourist attractions because of the presentation of interesting geological formations and non-living natural heritage. The satisfaction of geotourists and the work of inhabitants form the economic role: the monetary benefit is significant due to infrastructure development and workplace establishment (Dowling, 2011)

Institutional background
The genre of geotourist maps
How does it look like?
Geoturist map types
Digital maps for geoheritage in Hungary
Tiled grayscale raster background maps
OpenLayers-based web map of Bakony–Balaton UNESCO Global Geopark
GeoJSON polygon layers for geological formations
GeoJSON vector line layers
GeoJSON point layers for geotourist features
Further plans
Cartography and geoheritage
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