
Mechanisms mediating preeclampsia (PE) are unclear. Endogenous digitalis-like factors (EDLFs) are sodium pump (SP) inhibitors implicated in essential hypertension, but not fully explored in PE. This study asks whether EDLFs are present and increased in PE and considers their source. EDLF in sera and placentas from third trimester women with uncomplicated pregnancies or PE was assessed by a Rb(+) uptake assay. A digoxin antibody Fab fragment (Digibind) known to inactivate EDLFs was also used to assess EDLFs. PE serum caused significantly more SP inhibition than serum from uncomplicated pregnancies. This inhibition was concentration-dependent and reversed by Digibind. Serum from uncomplicated pregnancies showed no concentration-dependence or reversal with Digibind. Placental homogenates from control women showed little SP inhibition, but homogenates from PE women showed marked SP inhibition reversed by Digibind. These studies evidence EDLF in PE serum. Additionally, PE placentas have high EDLF and may represent a source.

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