
DOI: 10.15414/afz.2015.18.04.110–113 Received 14. July 2015 ǀ Accepted 12. October 2015 ǀ Available online 7. December 2015 The objective of this study, was to determinate the effects of digestibility of NDF of TMR on rumen fermentation characteristics and nutrient digestion, dairy cows were fed total mixed ration (TMR). We are measured NDF digestibility of TMR using in situ methods.Digestibility of NDF of TMR in our experiment range 26.8 to 48.2%. Digestibility of NDF of TMR did not alter VFA production but had effects on A/P ratio and production of acetate and propionate. Our results indicate that TMR with more dNDF may provide more favourable condition for nutrient digestion both in the rumen and in the total tract of dairy cows. Keywords : rumen, fermentation, NDF, volatile fatty acids, digestibility of NDF References ALLEN, M. S., BRADFORD, B. J. and OBA, M. (2009) BOARD-INVITED REVIEW: The hepatic oxidation theory of the control of feed intake and its application to ruminants. In J. Anim. Sci., vol. 87, no. 10, pp. 3317–3334. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.2527/jas.2009-1779 BEEVER, D. E. and MOULD, F. L. (2000) Forage evaluation for efficient ruminant livestock production. In: D. I. Givens et al. (eds.) Forage Evaluation in Ruminant Nutrition. Wallington: CAB International. HOFFMAN, P.C. and SHAVER, R.D. (2009) UW-Feed Grain Evaluation System Marshfield Soil and Forage Analysis Laboratory. [Online] Available at: http://www.uwex.edu/ces/dairynutrition/documents/ WisconsinFGES.pdf. [Accessed? 2015-06-04]. HUTJENS, M. F. (2002) Is your TMR as good as it can be? In Hoard´s Dairyman, vol. 147, no. 18, pp. 698. CHUMPAWADEE, S. and PIMPA, O. (2009) Effect of fodder tree as fiber sources in total mixed ration on feed intake, nutrient digestibility, chewing behaviour and ruminal fermentation in beef cattle. In J. Anim. And Vet. Adv, vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 1279:1284. doi: http://dx.doi.org/2009.1279.1284 KOLVER, E. S. and DE VETH, M. J. (2002) Prediction of ruminal pH from pasture based diets. In J. Dairy Sci., vol. 85, no. 5, pp. 1255–1266. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.3168/jds.S0022-0302 (02)74190-8 LINN, J.G. et al. (1989) Feeding the dairy herd. Madison: North Central Regional Extension. LOPEZ, S., J. DIJKSTRA, and FRANCE, J. (2000) Prediction of energy supply in ruminants, with emphasis on forages. In: D. I. Givens, E. Owens, R. F. E., Axford, and H. M. Omed, (eds.) Forage Evaluation in Ruminant Nutrition. Wallingford: CAB International, pp. 63-94. NRC (2001) Nutrient requirements of dairy cattle: Nutrient requirements of domestic animals. 7th revised edition. Washington: National Reserach Council. OBA, M. and ALLEN, M. S. (1999) Evaluation of the importance of the digestibility of neutral detergent fiber from forage: effects on dry matter intake and milk yield of dairy cows. In J. Dairy Sci., vol. 82, no. 3, pp. 589-596. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(99)75271-9 OBA, M. and ALLEN, M. S. (2000) Effects of brown midrib 3 mutation in corn silage on productivity of dairy cows fed two concentrations of dietary neutral detergent fiber: 3. Digestibility and microbial efficiency. In J. Dairy Sci., vol. 83, no. 6, pp. 1342–1349. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(00)75001-6 ORSKOV, E.R. and MCDONALD, I. (1979) The estimation of protein degradability in the rumen from incubation measurements weighed according to rate of passage. In J. Agric. Sci., vol. 92, no. 3, pp. 499-503. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0021859600063048 VARGA G.A. (2006) In vivo digestibility of forage. In: Proc. Tri-State dairy nutrition conference, Fort Wayne. Columbus: The Ohio State University, pp 95-106. VOELKER LINTON., J. A. and ALLEN, M. S. (2009) Nutrient demand interacts with forage family to affect N digestion and utilization responses in dairy cows. In J. Dairy Sci., vol. 92, no. 4, pp.1594-1602. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.3168/jds.2008-1327


  • Feeding of total mixed rations (TMR) in dairy cows resulted in increased milk production, through the optimization more balanced ration with a uniform rate of roughage and concentrate and increased dry matter (DM) intake

  • Chemical analysis of nutrients in samples of TMR, and in undigested food residue after rumen incubation were analyzed for dry mater, crude protein (CP), acid and neutral detergent fibre (ADF, NDF) and starch according to conventional methods (Committee regulation ES No 152/2009 of 27. 1. 2009)

  • Level of rumen fermentation is affected by the amount, type, structure and proportions of carbohydrates in the ration of dairy cows.The concentration ofVFA in the rumen at any given time reflects the balance between the rate of production and rate of loss

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Feeding of total mixed rations (TMR) in dairy cows resulted in increased milk production, through the optimization more balanced ration with a uniform rate of roughage and concentrate and increased DM intake. The quantity and quality neutral detergent fibre (NDF) in TMR acts as a major factor affecting feed intake, rumination, passage and digestibility of nutrients to support production through stabilization of rumen function and healthy rumen environment (Chumpawadee and Pimp, 2009). Higher digestibility of NDF increases the rates and efficiency of rumen fermentation, which is stimulated by appetite of cows with higher intake of dry matter (Voelker et al, 2009). To maintain a healthy rumen environment of high producing dairy cows during early lactation is necessary to maintain the recommended amount of NDF in the range of 280 to 330 g kg-1 of dry matter (Varga, 2006). At high digestibility NDF of roughage increases dry matter intake and utilization of energy from ration, which promotes the synthesis of milk and reduces supply of grain. The improved digestibility NDF of TMR helps to maintain rumen pH and to the proportion of acetic and propionic acid (A/P ratio) contributes to stabilization of the conditions in the rumen of rumen function and improving e.g. higher fibrolytic enzyme activity

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