
A digestibility experiment and subsequent 84-day feeding experiment evaluated the use of pea and canola meal products in diets for rainbow trout. The effect of milling and heat treatment on nutrient, dry matter and energy digestibility of raw/whole peas, raw/dehulled peas, extruded/dehulled peas and autoclaved air-classified pea protein was determined. Digestibility of the protein component was uniformly high for all pea ingredients (90.9–94.6%), regardless of the processing treatment. Autoclaving or extrusion increased starch digestibility by 41–75% (P ≤ 0.05), which consequently increased energy and dry matter digestibility of whole and dehulled peas. Autoclaved air-classified pea protein had superior protein (94.6%), energy (87.0%) and dry matter (84.0%) digestibility (P ≤ 0.05). It was demonstrated that inclusion of 25% dehulled peas, 20% air-classified pea protein or 20% canola meal fines was feasible in trout diets allowing for replacement of soya bean meal. The data showed no difference (P ≥ 0.05) in feed intake, final weight and specific growth rate (SGR) measurements, and feed utilization was not compromised with inclusion of pea or canola meal products as the primary plant ingredient. It was concluded that dehulled peas, air-classified pea protein and canola meal fines are suitable ingredients for use in trout diet formulation at a level of 20%.

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