
Welcome to the third installment of EduBits, your quarterly pipeline to new and exciting happenings in the world of ACM education. Starting with this March issue of ACM Inroads, we are introducing a new thread that will highlight principal educational activities within ACM and affiliated organizations. Starting with this issue, you'll find a special focus on an ACM Special Interest Group (SIG) engaged in educational activities. News summaries will also include updates from task groups and committees of the ACM Education Council and within the institution itself. This issue also features a status report from the CS2013 curricula revision task force and highlights of the many educational activities within SIGGRAPH, ACM's Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques. In the spirit of community inclusiveness and broadening participation that permeates the Education Council, these pieces come straight from the people leading these important educational efforts. We trust you'll find their words informative and engaging and welcome your feedback. Enjoy. We begin with a dedicated group of volunteers guiding a major revision of undergraduate computer science curricula recommendations: CS2013.

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