
The spatial distribution of electron-hole pair generation in β-Ga2O3 as a function of scanning electron microscope (SEM) beam energy has been calculated by a Monte Carlo method. This spatial distribution is then used to obtain the diffusion length of charge carriers in high-quality epitaxial Ga2O3 films from the dependence of the electron beam induced current (EBIC) collection efficiency on the accelerating voltage of a SEM. The experimental results show, contrary to earlier theory, that holes are mobile in β-Ga2O3 and to a large extent determine the diffusion length of charge carriers. Diffusion lengths in the range 350–400 nm are determined for the as-grown Ga2O3, while processes like exposing the samples to proton irradiation essentially halve this value, showing the role of point defects in controlling minority carrier transport. The pitfalls related to using other popular EBIC-based methods assuming a point-like excitation function are demonstrated. Since the point defect type and the concentration in currently available Ga2O3 are dependent on the growth method and the doping concentration, accurate methods of diffusion length determination are critical to obtain quantitative comparisons of material quality.

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