
Data obtained during a two-week period in the fall of 1979 with the HEAO 3 gamma-ray spectroscopy experiment have been searched for diffuse galactic plane gamma-ray line emission expected t4 result from the decay of nucleosynthetic Fe-60, Al-26, and Na-22. With the possible exception of the 1809 keV line from Al-26 decay, for which a 2.6-omicron cosmic excess of (6.0 + or - 2.3) x 0.0001 photons/sq cm per sec per rad was measured, no positive detection was made. However, new limits ranging from 1.8 to 11 times 0.0001 photons/sq cm per sec per rad, at the 3-omicron level of confidence, have been placed on diffuse emission in these lines from the vicinity of the galactic center (between -30 and 30 deg). These limits are lower than some theories predict and thus place new constraints on the yields of these radionuclides in explosive nucleosynthesis and on the present rate of galactic nucleosynthesis.

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