
Bone is formed by deposition of a collagen-containing matrix (osteoid) that hardens over time as mineral crystals accrue and are modified; this continues until bone remodeling renews that site. Pharmacological agents for osteoporosis differ in their effects on bone remodeling, and we hypothesized that they may differently modify bone mineral accrual. We, therefore, assessed newly formed bone in mature ovariectomized rabbits treated with the anti-resorptive bisphosphonate alendronate (ALN-100µg/kg/2×/week), the anabolic parathyroid hormone (PTH (1-34)-15µg/kg/5×/week), orthe experimental anti-resorptive odanacatib (ODN 7.5µM/day), which suppresses bone resorption without suppressing bone formation. Treatments were administered for 10months commencing 6months after ovariectomy (OVX). Strength testing, histomorphometry, and synchrotron Fourier-transform infrared microspectroscopy were used to measure bone strength, bone formation, and mineral accrual, respectively, in newly formed endocortical and intracortical bone. In Sham and OVX endocortical and intracortical bone, three modifications occurred as the bone matrix aged: mineral accrual (increase in mineral:matrix ratio), carbonate substitution (increase in carbonate:mineral ratio), and collagen molecular compaction (decrease in amide I:II ratio). ALN suppressed bone formation but mineral accrued normally at those sites where bone formation occurred. PTH stimulated bone formation on endocortical, periosteal, and intracortical bone surfaces, but mineral accrual and carbonate substitution were suppressed, particularly in intracortical bone. ODN treatment did not suppress bone formation, but newly deposited endocortical bone matured more slowly with ODN, and ODN-treated intracortical bone had less carbonate substitution than controls. In conclusion, these agents differ in their effects on the bone matrix. While ALN suppresses bone formation, it does not modify bone mineral accrual in endocortical or intracortical bone. While ODN does not suppress bone formation, it slows matrix maturation. PTH stimulates modelling-based bone formation not only on endocortical and trabecular surfaces, but may also do so in intracortical bone; at this site, new bone deposited contains less mineral than normal.

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