
Seven restriction endonucleases (REs) were used to cleave the DNA from seven vaccine strains of infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) virus and from six Georgia field isolates of ILT virus. After electrophoresis of the resulting RE fragments, the patterns were compared in order to differentiate strains of ILT virus. The six chicken-embryo-origin (CEO) vaccines were identical with each RE, but the tissue-culture-origin (TCO) vaccine strain differed from the CEO vaccines using five of the REs. Four of the six field isolates were identical by each RE, but two field isolates differed from each other and from the four identical field isolates on the basis of patterns produced by some but not all of the REs. The four identical field isolates could not be differentiated from the CEO vaccine strains by any RE, but the other two field isolates were not identical to either strain of vaccine virus. This work demonstrates that differentiable strains of ILT virus exist in the United States and that viruses other than vaccine viruses are involved in field outbreaks of ILT.

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