
Desmin contributes to the stability of the myocardium and its amino-terminal domain influences intermediate filament formation and interacts with a variety of proteins and DNAs. Specific serine residues located in this domain are reversibly phosphorylated in a cell cycle and developmental stage-dependent manner as has been demonstrated also for other cytoplasmic type III intermediate filament proteins. Although absence of desmin apparently does not affect cardiomyogenesis, homozygous deletion of the amino-terminal domain of desmin severely inhibited in vitro cardiomyogenesis. To demonstrate the significance of phosphorylation of this domain in cardiomyogenic commitment and differentiation, we inhibited phosphorylation of serine residues 6, 7, and 8 by mutation to alanine, and investigated early cardiomyogenesis in heterozygous embryoid bodies. As control, serine residues 31 and 32, which are not phosphorylated by kinases mutating serine residues 6, 7, and 8, were mutated to alanine in a second set. Desmin S6,7,8A interfered with cardiomyogenesis and myofibrillogenesis in a dominant negative fashion, whereas desmin S31,32A produced only a mild phenotype. Desmin S6,7,8A led to the down-regulation of the transcription factor genes brachyury, goosecoid, nkx2.5, and mef2C and increased apoptosis of presumptive mesoderm and differentiating cardiomyocytes. Surviving cardiomyocytes which were few in number had no myofibrils. Demonstration that some but not any mutant desmin interfered with the very beginning of cardiomyogenesis suggests an important function of temporarily phosphorylated serine residues 6, 7, and 8 in the amino-terminal domain of desmin in cardiomyogenic commitment and differentiation.

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