
Banana shrimp (Fenneropenaeus merguiensis) is an economically important species in Thailand owing to the high value of globally exported frozen brine shrimps. However, the regulatory mechanisms governing spermatogenesis and testicular development in this species are poorly understood. High-throughput RNA sequencing was used to investigate the mechanisms and regulated genes involved in testis development using transcriptome profiling of juvenile and adult banana shrimp testes. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in these two libraries were identified and quantified to confirm gene expression. DEGs were found in 7,347 genes, with 4,465 upregulated and 2,882 downregulated. Some of these genes were designated as candidate genes, and six specific DEGs, including PRM1, SPATA20, Sry, SSRF, Sxl, and Tra-2c, were selected to confirm the reliability of the RNA-seq data using qPCR. Moreover, six non-DEGs were chosen based on testis-specific and regulatory genes that support a specific function in spermatogenesis and testis development in this species, including Dsx, Gfra2, IAG, Sox9, Sox13, and Sox14A. Furthermore, Sry, Sox14A, Sox14B and SPATA20 were identified in early stages (nauplius-postlarvae) of shrimp development to provide more information involving testes formation and development. The transcript data from this study could differentiate a group of genes required at the early and late stages of testis development and both sets of testis development. Therefore, this information would help in manipulating each stage of testicular development.

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