
Cultivation of crop cultivars resistant to high soil manganese (Mn) may reduce the negative effects of Mn toxicity on crop yield. Three studies were carried out to select Brassica genotypes (B. napus and B. rapa) resistant to high Mn concentration and to characterise the nature of any Mn resistance found. In Experiment 1, 33 B. napus and nine B. rapa genotypes were screened in a sub-irrigated nutrient solution system. Based on visual symptoms and plant size, single plants were identified with resistance to high Mn from within cultivars of four B. napus and one B. rapa. Resistance was also identified in one B. napus doubled haploid genotype. In Experiment 2, a genotype resistant to high Mn and two genotypes (progenies from Experiment 1) sensitive to high Mn were exposed to eight Mn concentrations (9–500 μM) for 2 weeks in nutrient solution. The relative shoot weight (RSW) and the relative root weight (RRW) of the genotype resistant to Mn were significantly greater at ≥100 μM Mn than both genotypes sensitive to high Mn; the sensitive genotypes reacted similarly. The three genotypes had similar tissue Mn contents and the elevated Mn tissue contents did not induce deficiencies of Mg or Fe. In Experiment 3, 12 genotypes (progenies from Experiment 1) were screened in nutrient solution at 9 μM Mn and with an additional 125 μM Mn. The RRW and RSW of the genotypes ranged from 35 to 114 and 39 to 94%, respectively. All the selections sensitive to high Mn had a RSW 70% and thus were confirmed as Mn resistant. This evidence confirmed the availability of rapeseed germplasm resistant to Mn toxicity with an ability to withstand high content of Mn through internal tissue tolerance. Also, the observed Mn tolerance in this material is genetically controlled and not an artifact of our screening assays.

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