
Following identification and characterization of naturally occurring opiate peptides from the brain and pituitary gland 4,5 several investigators have examined the precise distribution of fl-endorphin and enkephalin-like immunoreactivity in the neurons of the rat brain 1,9,11-13. Enkephalin-like immunoreactivity has been localized by radioimmunoassays and by immunocytochemical means in various nuclei of the diencephalon 11-13. Of particular significance are the demonstrations of enkephalin containing neurons in the preoptic-tuberal pathway 11-13, and the ability of methionine-enkephalin (Met-enkephalin) administration to influence LH and prolactin secretion in the rat 2,3,10. In this communication we report the effects of disruption by surgical means of the preoptic-tuberal pathway on the Met-enkephalin levels in the basal tuberal regions and the anterior hypothalamic-preoptic area (AHPOA). Adult Charles River (CD) rats were maintained in air-conditioned rooms (76 ° F) with controlled light/dark cycle (lights on between 0500 and 1900 h). The rats were ovaliectomized under pentabarbitol anesthesia (40 mg/kg, i.p.) and underwent hypothalamic deafferentation with the help of Halasz-type knife which was lowered 1.6 mm behind the bregma when the rats were held in a stereotaxic instrument with the nosebar 7 mm below the ear bar. Two types of deafferentations were performed 6,7; for anterior hypothalamic deafferentation (AHD, knife dimensions, width -2.8 mm and height --: 2.2 ram) the knife was lowered to the base of the brain and rotated 90 ° to either side to transect anterolateral inputs to the medial-basal hypothalamus (MBH) along the caudal border of optic-chiasm; for complete hypothalamic deafferentation (CHD) the MBH was isolated from the rest of the brain by rotating the knife (width 3 mm, height -2.5 mm) full 360 °. The cut extended anteriorly along the caudal border of the optic-chiasm and caudally through the mammillary bodies. In sham deafferentation controls the knife was lowered to the base of the brain and lifted up without

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