
The distribution of chromatid aberrations induced by mitomycin C among the individual chromosomes of female and male Chinese hamster cells in vitro was studied. The aberrations were found to be non-randomly distributed. Among the autosomes, the chromosomes possessing constitutive heterochromatin were more often involved in aberrations as well as in homologous exchanges. The inactivated X chromosomes in the female cells offer a situation where the short arm is facultatively heterochromatic and the long arm constitutively heterochromatic, thus enabling an analysis of their response for aberration formation. The short arm was seldom found to be involved in the aberration. The long arm of the inactivated X was more often affected (5 to 10 times) than the long arm of the functional X though both are constitutively heterochromatic. The possible role of (a) structure of heterochromatin, (b) the chromocenter formation and their association, (c) allocycly, and (d) the qualitative differences in the DNA of different types of heterochromatin are discussed in relation to the formation of chromatid aberrations.

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