
Neuronal transmitter stores of the phrenic nerve were labelled under different conditions. Subsequently, transmitter release evoked by electrical nerve stimulation and by a high potassium-low sodium solution was studied. Incubation of the end-plate preparation with [ 3H]choline at rest led to the synthesis of [ 3H]acetylcholine which could not be released by electrical nerve stimulation but it was released by high potassium-low sodium solution, independent of the presence of extracellular calcium. When the end-plate preparation was labelled during stimulation at 1 Hz, prolonged periods of electrical nerve stimulation released 83% of the total releasable [ 3H]transmitter pool in a completely calcium-dependent manner. After exhaustion of the electrically releasable pool, high potassium-low sodium solution still caused a significant outflow. Without a preceding exhaustion of the [ 3H]acetylcholine pool, high potassium-low sodium solution released a similar amount in the absence of extracellular calcium or after pretreatment with the intracellular calcium chelating substance, Quin-2. When evoked transmitter release was studied at different temperatures (36, 26 and 16°C) Q 10 values of 1.6 and 1.0 were found for the release caused by electrical nerve stimulation and high potassium-low sodium solution (calcium-independent effect), respectively. After labelling during a short interval (2 min) but at a high stimulation rate (50 Hz), only 72% of the releasable [ 3H]transmitter could be released by electrical nerve stimulation, whereas the outflow due to the calcium-independent effect of high potassium-low sodium solution increased from 17 (labelling during stimulation at 1 Hz) to 28%. It is suggested that the calcium-independent effect of high potassium-low sodium solution reflects the release of acetylcholine from the cytoplasmic compartment, as this outflow occurred after labelling at rest and increased when cytoplasmic synthesis was enhanced by a high loading stimulation. In contrast to high potassium-low sodium solution, propagated nerve activity cannot release acetylcholine synthesized at rest (presumed to be cytoplasmic), but only [ 3H]acetylcholine synthesized during quantal release (presumed to be vesicular). The absolute requirement of extracellular calcium for electrically stimulated release suggests an exocytotic release mechanism. The low Q 10 value of 1.6 does not fit into the concept of a carrier- or channel-operated release mechanism. High potassium-low sodium solution triggers both calcium-dependent release (exocytosis) and calcium-independent liberation of acetylcholine, which escapes from the cytoplasmic compartment by a diffusion-like mechanism. Accordingly, it is important to consider that propagated nerve activity and high potassium-low sodium solution can cause the release of transmitter by different mechanisms from different compartments.

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