
GnRH release in the median eminence (ME) is the central output for control of reproduction. GnRH processes in the preoptic area (POA) also release GnRH. We examined region-specific regulation of GnRH secretion using fast-scan cyclic voltammetry to detect GnRH release in brain slices from adult male mice. Blocking endoplasmic reticulum calcium reuptake to elevate intracellular calcium evokes GnRH release in both the ME and POA. This release is action potential dependent in the ME but not the POA. Locally applied kisspeptin induced GnRH secretion in both the ME and POA. Local blockade of inositol triphospate-mediated calcium release inhibited kisspeptin-induced GnRH release in the ME, but broad blockade was required in the POA. In contrast, kisspeptin-evoked secretion in the POA was blocked by local gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone, but broad gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone application was required in the ME. Although action potentials are required for GnRH release induced by pharmacologically-increased intracellular calcium in the ME and kisspeptin-evoked release requires inositol triphosphate-mediated calcium release, blocking action potentials did not inhibit kisspeptin-induced GnRH release in the ME. Kisspeptin-induced GnRH release was suppressed after blocking both action potentials and plasma membrane Ca(2+) channels. This suggests that kisspeptin action in the ME requires both increased intracellular calcium and influx from the outside of the cell but not action potentials. Local interactions among kisspeptin and GnRH processes in the ME could thus stimulate GnRH release without involving perisomatic regions of GnRH neurons. Coupling between action potential generation and hormone release in GnRH neurons is thus likely physiologically labile and may vary with region.

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