
The contribution of androgens to the regulation of aromatase activity (AA), measured by quantifying the in vitro formation of [3H]estrone from 19-[3H]hydroxyandrostenedione precursor, was studied in equivalent microdissected brain regions of adult and fetal ferrets. In adulthood, AA was similar in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial (M) and lateral (L) preoptic area (POA), medial (MA) and lateral amygdala (LA), ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH), and parietal cortex of gonadectomized males and females given no concurrent steroid treatment. Daily sc injections of the androgen dihydrotestosterone propionate significantly stimulated AA in MPOA, MA, and VMH of adult males and in MA of females; a similar trend was seen in MPOA and VMH of females. By contrast, no evidence of androgenic regulation of AA was obtained in these three brain regions microdissected from fetuses killed on embryonic day 35 (E35; 41-day gestation). Transplacental administration of the antiandrogen flutamide beginning on day E24 failed to affect AA in MPOA, LPOA, MA, LA, or parietal cortex, although this treatment significantly reduced AA in bed nucleus of the stria terminalis of fetal males. The results suggest that the responsiveness of aromatizing enzymes to androgenic induction is similar in several subcortical brain regions of adult ferrets of both sexes. In breeding males such an action of androgen may augment the neural production of estrogen, which has previously been implicated in the control of sexual behavior and the feedback regulation of LH secretion. By contrast, androgen apparently contributes minimally to the regulation of AA in brain regions of fetal ferrets, particularly in the MPOA, in which a sexually dimorphic nucleus differentiates in males around E37 in response to estrogen produced locally.

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