
The present study examined the effects of prolonged l-DOPA treatment (6 months) alone or in combination with unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine-induced lesion of the mesostriatal dopaminergic pathway on substance P and enkephalin mRNA expression in the rat neostriatum. This was done by means of quantitative in situ hybridization histochemistry. As reported previously, the unilateral dopaminergic lesion induced a significant and homogeneous decrease in striatal substance P mRNA expression and a marked increase in enkephalin mRNA expression in the ipsilateral neostriatum which was more pronounced in the dorsolateral than ventromedial part of the structure. Long-term l-DOPA treatment alone had no significant effects on the two striatal peptide mRNA levels. The chronic l-DOPA treatment in 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rats was found to partially reverse the lesion-induced down-regulation of substance P mRNA expression, without significantly affect the up-regulation of enkephalin when considering the neostriatum as a whole. Topographical analysis revealed that long-term l-DOPA treatment reversed, in fact, both post-lesional enkephalin and substance P responses to 6-hydroxydopamine lesion, in the ventromedial neostriatum, without significantly modified these peptide responses in the dorsolateral neostriatum. These findings provide new evidence that prolonged l-DOPA treatment differentially affects the post-lesional peptide responses in the ventromedial and dorsolateral parts of the neostriatum, suggesting regional cellular mechanisms in the neostriatum underlying the benefit and/or side-effects of l-DOPA treatment in parkinsonian patients.

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