
When an isometric contraction is sustained at a submaximal torque, activation of the motoneuron pool increases, making it difficult to measure neural excitability alterations. Thus, more recently, isometric contractions with maintained electromyographic activity (matched-EMG) are being used to induce fatigue; however, little is known about the neurophysiological adjustments that occur to satisfy the requirements of the task. For our study, 16 participants performed a 10-min sustained isometric elbow flexion contraction at 20% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) torque or the level of integrated biceps brachii EMG recorded at 20% MVC torque. Surface EMG was used to assess global median frequency, and four fine-wire electrode pairs were used to obtain motor unit (MU) discharge rate from biceps brachii. Torque or EMG steadiness was also assessed throughout the fatiguing contractions. MU discharge rate increased and torque steadiness decreased during the matched-torque contraction; however, MU discharge rate decreased during the matched-EMG contraction and no changes occurred for EMG steadiness. Data pooled for the two contractions revealed a decrease of global median frequency. Lastly, a greater loss of MVC torque was observed immediately after the matched-torque compared to matched-EMG contraction. These findings indicate that, during a matched-torque fatiguing contraction, the nervous system increases MU discharge rates at the cost of poorer steadiness in order to maintain the requisite torque. In contrast, during a matched-EMG fatiguing contraction, a reduction of MU discharge rates allows for a maintenance of EMG steadiness.

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