
The purpose of this study was to disentangle the contribution of episodic-perceptual from pre-existing memory representations of faces to repetition effects. ERPs were recorded to first and second presentations of same and different photos of famous and unfamiliar faces, in an incidental task where occasional non-targets had to be detected. Repetition of same and different photos of famous faces resulted in an N400 amplitude decrement. No such N400 repetition-induced attenuation was observed for unfamiliar faces. In addition, repetition of same photos of faces, and not different ones, gave rise to an early ERP repetition effect (starting at approximately 350 ms) with an occipito-temporal scalp distribution. Together, these results suggest that repetition effects depend on two temporally and may be neuro-functionally distinct loci, episode-based representation and face recognition units stored in long-term memory.

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