
Bicuculline and saclofen were microinjected into the rostral (rNTS) and caudal nucleus of the solitary tract (cNTS) in 17 anesthetized cats. Electromyograms (EMGs) of the diaphragm (DIA) and abdominal muscles (ABD), esophageal pressures (EP), and blood pressure were recorded and analyzed. Bilateral microinjections of 1 mM bicuculline in the rNTS significantly reduced the number of coughs (CN), amplitudes of DIA and ABD EMG, inspiratory and expiratory EP, and prolonged the duration of the cough expiratory phase (CTE) as well as the total cough cycle duration (CTtot). Bilateral microinjections of 2 mM saclofen reduced only cough expiratory efforts. Bilateral microinjection of bicuculline in the cNTS significantly reduced CN and amplitudes of ABD EMG and elongated CTE and CTtot. Bilateral microinjections of saclofen in cNTS had no significant effect on analyzed cough parameters. Our results confirm a different GABAergic inhibitory system in the rNTS and cNTS acting on mechanically induced cough in cats.

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