
e13571 Background: Carcinoid tumors are endocrine neoplasms that commonly arise in the GI and pulmonary system. About 12,000 cases of carcinoid tumor are diagnosed a year with a 5-year survival rate of 67.2% .The majority of the cases present with advance disease with limited treatment options,therefore evaluation of predictive markers for chemotherapeutic agents is highly desirable. We studied the biomarker expression in carcinoid tumors and evaluated any differences based on site of origin. Methods: By computer search we retrospectively identified all cases submitted to Caris Life Sciences with the diagnosis of “carcinoid”. The cases were classified by primary site into three groups: Pulmonary, GI tract (including esophagus, stomach, small bowel, colon, rectum, appendix and pancreas) and miscellaneous. Biomarker expression performed by IHC and scored semi quantitatively by a pathologist for SPARC mono, SPARC poly, Her2, TOPO2, TOPO1, PGP, MRP1, PTEN, TS, ERCC1, RRM1,MGMT, C-KIT, ER, PR and AR and SSTR2 and SSTR5 analysis by DNA Microarray were compared between the groups. Results: 146 carcinoid tumors were interrogated for biomarkers, 33 pulmonary, 97 GI and 16 miscellaneous (mediastinum, thymus, cervix, breast and unknown primary site). Due to small number of tumors in the miscellaneous category, analysis was restricted to pulmonary and GI carcinoid tumors only. Based on our analysis the pulmonary carcinoids differentially express Topo2, PGP, MGMT, CKIT and PR, while the GI carcinoids differentially express Topo1, RRM1 and ER and SSTR2 and SSTR5. There is equivalent expression of SPARC, MRP1, PTEN, TS, ERCC1 at both sites . All pulmonary and GI carcinoid tumors were negative for Her2. Conclusions: Based on this study it appears that there are differences in biomarker expression in GI and Pulmonary Carcinoid tumors. Treatment with irinotecan, gemcitabine, anti-estrogens and Octreotide may be more relevant in GI carcinoids based on molecular markers present while targets associated with response to anthracyclines, temozolomide, imatinib may be more commonly expressed in pulmonary carcinoid tumors. Further studies are needed to understand the underlying biology and molecular drivers in this group of tumors.

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