
There is no cross-resistance between arsenic trioxide and conventional chemotherapeutics. Classical multi-drug resistant (MDR) cells remain sensitive to arsenic trioxide, which may even reverse the drug resistance. Arsenic trioxide is also effective in leukemias/tumors that persist despite conventional cytotoxic or targeted drugs. We obtained a highly arsenic-resistant MDR leukemic cell line, HL-60/RS, by exposing leukemic HL-60 cells to adriamycin selection. We compared the arsenic sensitivity, and the expression and responses to arsenic of the arsenic-related transporters, MRP1, MRP2, and ASNA1, in paired parent/arsenic-resistant HL-60/RS/HL-60 and arsenic-sensitive/parental K562/ADM/K562 cells. Expression levels of MRP1, MRP2, and ASNA1 were negatively correlated with cell sensitivities to arsenic trioxide, and ASNA1 expression notably was highest in HL-60/RS cells and lowest in K562/ADM cells. Expression levels of MRP1, MRP2, and ASNA1 were significantly enhanced in HL-60/RS cells and inhibited in K562/ADM cells by arsenic trioxide treatment, compared with their parental sensitive cells, in accord with the high-resistance of HL-60/RS cells and high-sensitivity of K562/ADM cells. In conclusion, the cross-resistance of conventional chemotherapeutics-resistant leukemic cells to arsenic trioxide is determined by both levels of MRP1, MRP2, and ASNA1, and also by the responses of these transporters to arsenic stress.

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