
Two isoforms of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase (CA) from the gills of the euryhaline green crab were sequenced and identified; these were found to match the cytoplasmic (CAc) and membrane-associated (CAg) isoforms known from other species. The mRNA of the membrane-associated isoform is present in significantly higher levels of abundance in gills of crabs acclimated to 32 ppt, at which the crab is an osmotic and ionic conformer. Upon transfer to low salinity (15 ppt), in which the crab is an osmoregulator, however, the cytoplasmic isoform undergoes a rapid 100-fold increase in abundance in the posterior gills, becoming the dominant isoform. CAg increases 3-fold initially and then remains elevated through 14 days of low salinity acclimation. The induction of CAc mRNA is believed to be the molecular basis for the 20 fold increase in CA protein-specific activity during low salinity acclimation. The initial increase in CAc mRNA takes place at 6 h, and maximal levels of expression are achieved by 24 h; this precedes the induction of CA activity and is within the time in which hemolymph osmotic and ionic concentrations stabilize at new acclimated levels. The increase in expression of the CAg isoform is believed to be more closely related to changes in the population of branchial chloride cells. Changes in the relative abundance of mRNA for the α-subunit of the Na +/K +-ATPase were smaller in magnitude than those for CAc, but the timing was similar. There were no changes in expression of a control gene, arginine kinase (AK) in posterior gills, and there were no significant changes in expression in anterior gills for any of the genes measured here. These results support the use of a control tissue (anterior gills) in addition to a control gene for expression studies.

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