
We present the first clear identification and highly accurate measurement of the intra-shell transition 1s2p 3P2→1s2s 3S1 of He-like uranium performed via x-ray spectroscopy. The present experiment was conducted at the gas-jet target of the ESR storage ring in GSI (Darmstadt, Germany), where a Bragg spectrometer, with a bent germanium crystal, and a Ge(i) detector were mounted. Using the ESR deceleration capabilities, we performed a differential measurement between the 1s2p 3P2→1s2s 3S1 He-like U transition energy, at 4510 eV, and the 1s22p 2P3/2→1s22s 2S1/2 Li-like U transition energy, at 4460 eV. By a proper choice of the ion velocities, the x-ray energies from the He- and Li-like ions could be measured, in the laboratory frame, at the same photon energy. This allowed for a drastic reduction of experimental systematic uncertainties, principally due to the Doppler effect, and for a comparison with theory without the uncertainties arising from one-photon quantum electrodynamics predictions and nuclear size corrections.

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