
RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RDRs) are key players in the antiviral defence mediated by RNA silencing in plants. RDR6 is one of the major components of the process, regulating the infection of certain RNA viruses. To better clarify its function against DNA viruses, we analyzed the effect of RDR6 inactivation (RDR6i) in N. benthamiana plants on two phloem-limited begomoviruses, the bipartite Abutilon mosaic virus (AbMV) and the monopartite tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus (TYLCSV). We observed exacerbated symptoms and DNA accumulation for the New World virus AbMV in RDR6i plants, varying with the plant growth temperature (ranging from 16 °C to 33 °C). However, for the TYLCSV of Old World origin, RDR6 depletion only affected symptom expression at elevated temperatures and to a minor extent; it did not affect the viral titre. The accumulation of viral siRNA differed between the two begomoviruses, being increased in RDR6i plants infected by AbMV but decreased in those infected by TYLCSV compared to wild-type plants. In situ hybridization revealed a 6.5-fold increase in the number of AbMV-infected nuclei in RDR6i plants but without egress from the phloem tissues. These results support the concept that begomoviruses adopt different strategies to counteract plant defences and that TYLCSV evades the functions exerted by RDR6 in this host.

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