
Predators may have consumptive (lethal) and non-consumptive (sub-lethal) effects on prey. Non-consumptive effects include altered behavior and reduced growth and fecundity. Native prey may not recognize non-native predators as a threat, and therefore may suffer pronounced effects. Additionally, non-native predators may elicit different behavioral responses from prey compared to native predators. Theory predicts that consumptive effects should be greater for non-native predators (due to prey naivete), and non-consumptive effects should be greater for native predators (due to predator recognition). To test these hypotheses, I monitored bicolor damselfish (Stegastes partitus) in the presence of invasive predatory Pacific lionfish (Pterois spp.), a native predator (graysby, Cephalopholis cruentata), and an egg predator (bluehead wrasse, Thalassoma bifasciatum). Body size and location of lionfish and graysby were monitored on reefs in the Bahamas. Bicolor fecundity was measured as the number and size of egg-masses that individual fish laid. Bicolor fecundity was negatively correlated with lionfish density but not graysby or bluehead density. Neither predator had a detectable effect on bicolor body size, but lionfish density was negatively correlated with the size of mature adult damselfish. I observed behavioral responses of bicolors to the two piscivores, to bluehead wrasse, and to two herbivorous fishes (Acanthurus coeruleus, Scarus spp.) as non-aggressive controls. Bicolors changed behavior (feeding and aggression) in the presence of all native fishes, but not in the presence of lionfish. Thus, differential effects exist between native and non-native predators, and invasive lionfish pose a non-consumptive threat to bicolor damselfish via reduced growth and fecundity.

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