
Climate change has been implicated as driving shifts of hybridizing species' range limits [1, 2]. Whether and how much hybrid zones move depends on the relative fitness of hybridzing species under changing conditions [3, 4]. However, fitness is rarely linked to both climatic conditions and movement of hybrid zones, such that the relationship between climate change and hybrid zone dynamics remains tenuous [5]. Here we report how interactions between climate (seasonal precipitation) and competitor densities result in steep differentials in survival, which in turndrive hybrid zone movement for two woodrat species (Neotoma fuscipes and N.macrotis) in central California, USA. Using 6 years of capture-mark-recapture data, we found that the smaller-bodied species, N.macrotis, and hybrids had survival advantages over the larger-bodied N.fuscipes in the contact region during dry winters and wet springs. This pattern of differential survival, with N.macrotis having a consistent advantage over N.fuscipes during our study period, matched the spatial dynamics of the hybrid zone, which moved steadily north into N.fuscipes territory, with its estimated center moving ∼150m north in 6 years. Our findings provide a unique demonstration of range movements emerging from a complex interplay between climate and competition. Although all studysite areas experienced the same climatic conditions, competitive effects created a complex spatial pattern of survival differentials, which in turn influenced hybrid zone movement. Characterization of fitness differentials derived from replicated demographic studies of contact regions between competitors should greatly improve our ability to understand and forecast climate-driven range dynamics.

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