
Species with dimorphic males typically have one morph (type I) associated with territoriality and courtship, and another morph (type II) associated with cuckoldry. In teleost fishes, type I males generally have higher levels of the androgen 11-ketotestosterone (KT) than type II males. Is KT causal to phenotypic differences between morphs? We investigated this question in the midshipman fish ( Porichthys notatus) in which type I males have detectable levels of KT during the breeding season, whereas levels in type II males are usually undetectable. Type I midshipman will either cuckold or hold territories and court females, whereas type II males are only known to cuckold. Acoustic courtship by type I's is supported by the sonic motor nucleus, which innervates a sound-producing sonic muscle. Type I males have larger sonic motor nuclei and larger sonic muscles than type II males, consistent with the more dynamic vocal repertoire of type I's. Here, we tested whether intraperitoneal KT implants in adult type II males would induce type I male-like traits in brain, sonic muscle, and behavior. Type II's treated with KT did not differ from blank-implanted type II's in sonic motor nucleus volume. Sonic muscle mass increased in KT-implanted type II's, but did not reach the relative mass naturally observed in type I's. While neither territoriality nor courtship were induced, cuckoldry behavior intensified in KT-implanted type II's. Thus, for some but not all characters, KT exaggerated the expression of already existing type II male traits rather than inducing the type I male-like traits of territoriality, courtship, and an expansive vocal motor system.

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